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Lebanese publisher praises Chinese partner for sharing its experiences

Updated: 2020-03-24

We will publish the following titles:

- 9,000 Millimeter Journey 

Author: Zhang Xiaoling / Illustrator: Yan Qing

A long journey over a small area encourages children to maintain hope and move forward bravely.

- Fourteen Grandpa Games 

Author: Zhao Ling / Illustrator: Yan Qing

Simple games featuring great wisdom and teaching children to be optimistic and work to overcome difficulties.

- Empty Lunch Box

Author: Ai Wen’er, Xing Huo / Illustrator: Xing Huo

Teaches children to care about life and pass their love to others.

- The Hidden Mom

Author: Qian Mu / Illustrator: Zhou Yi

Growing up during the special time helps children learn how to handle difficulties, love others, and move forward.

- Levine is the Cat

Author: Tao Jiu / Illustrator: Yang Shanshan

Teaches people how to integrate into society and help others.

- A Mask Who Can Count (The Hidden Mom)

Author: Luo Xi / Illustrator: Luo Xi

The main character shows big love by doing little things, teaching children how to share and give to others

The insider scares of the epidemic that is afflicting the world today. We should learn from China and the Chinese people. The Chinese leadership has succeeded in stemming the spread of the epidemic and is now working to eliminate it.

This would not have been possible without the trust and confidence of the Chinese people in their leadership, and without the strength and wisdom of the leadership in managing a crisis of this magnitude.

The most remarkable thing is that people from all walks of life have been able to cooperate and support their country to achieve the goals laid out by the leadership for the development and well-being of its great people.

We would like to thank Phoenix Juvenile and Children's Publishing for giving us a chance and telling the world about China's success.

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