PPMG subsidiaries help to fight COVID-19 worldwide
The overseas subsidiaries of Jiangsu-based publishing giant Phoenix Publishing & Media Group (PPMG) are making moves in the United Sates, the United Kingdom, Australia, and the Republic of Namibia to join the war against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Phoenix Publishing & Media International (Australia) attends a book fair in Australia.
Phoenix Publishing & Media International (Australia) Pty Ltd was founded in December 2013 and has Xanadu Publishing (Australia) Ltd under its umbrella, running the businesses of copyright trade, book sales, cultural exchanges, training programs and international trade.
To curb the COVID-19 spread, Australia has launched new biological safety laws with enforcement measures on confirmed cases. The Australian government March 15 required a two-week mandatory quarantine for all international visitors entering Australia, while schools will remain open until further notice.
The Australian subsidiary of PPMG has cancelled all unnecessary gatherings and activities, only maintaining basic business ties with the China-Australia Chamber of Commerce and other Chinese-funded organizations.
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Symbols of China
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