凤凰出版传媒集团 凤凰出版传媒股份有限公司

I'm Great (20 volumes)

2001This is an original illustration collection for child education. Focusing on teaching children emotional intelligence, the collection contains 20 vivid and funny tales to help children form a healthy personality.


This is an original illustration collection for child education. Focusing on teaching children emotional intelligence, the collection contains 20 vivid and funny tales to help children form a healthy personality.

Created by a group of famed Chinese writers, illustrators and education experts, I'm Great is a winner of the Bingxin Children's Book Prize and National Excellent Children's Book Award.

• 1.87 million copies sold

• Purchased by UNESCO as gift books

• The traditional Chinese version issued in Hong Kong has been reprinted several times and twice renewed the copyright contract.

Author: Ye Zhaoyan, Huang Beijia, Liu Jianping, Qi Zhi et al.

Publisher: Phoenix Juvenile and Children's Publishing

Price: ¥120.00

Aug 2001

ISBN 9787534642593
