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Phoenix Media executives visit printing base in Africa

Updated: 2016-01-13

A delegation from Phoenix Publishing & Media Inc, led by President Wu Xiaoping, recently visited the company's printing base in Namibia, Africa.

The executives acclaimed the base's achievement since its founding and approved its future development plan. The base was co-established by PPMG and the CJI Group with the name Phoenix Welwitschia Printing Ltd.

Apart from visiting the printing workshop and inspecting products, the delegation attended a staff meeting. The president listened to the work report and solicited suggestions from employees. Wu noted that the integration of industry and education can not only boost individual improvement but also drive the company's growth.

The base will be the starting point of Phoenix's business expansion in Africa and the headquarters pledges full support to staff in the base.

At Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, Wu and Tan Mingxiang, who is in charge of CJI Namibia, inaugurated a branch of Phoenix Welwitschia Printing Ltd. The branch is Phoenix's first digital printing center in Africa.

The delegation also met with Naspers Group's principal secretary Yasmin Abrahams; Annalise, manager of Exclusive Books; Zhang Yinxing, vice-chairman of the Cape Town Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification; Wu Shengyou, manager of CJI Jianda (Kenya); and Zhang Xinquan, director of the United Nations Human Settlements Program. Topics discussed include printing business, real estate investment, book publication and the goods trade in South Africa and Kenya.

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